Thursday, July 29, 2010

5 rules in the bedroom...

I'm sharing my rules for creating a beautiful bedroom on the TrueBirds blog today, go there for more!

1. MAKE A STATEMENT~ ask yourself what you want to be the main feature of the room {the bed, the headboard, the pillows, the walls, the art, etc}...and then do something dramatic!

House Beautiful

2. SYMMETRY~ i almost always use symmetrical bedside tables and matching lamps. I like how it makes it feel more organized.

House Beautiful

3. LAYERED LINENS~ fold back your sheets if they're pretty and add texture and comfort by folding an extra down comforter or quilt at the end of the bed too.

caitlin wilson design image by ashlee raubach

4. PILLOW PERFECTION~ create a perfect setup by using 3 different fabrics from back to front... 2 Euros or kings shams in back, 2 Standards or Euros next, and then a rectangle or boudoir pillow in front, add even more for dimension.

caitlin wilson design image by nicole hill gerulat

5. FINISHING TOUCHES~ add some personal charm with a bedside tray, your favorite candle, fresh flowers, and frames.

caitlin wilson design image by nicole hill gerulat


  1. I love that thought about making a statement. So important.

  2. I like symmetry does bring nice order to a space. I love your blog! I found you today through the dorm post.


  3. Great tips! That headboard in the first picture is fan-flippin-tastic. Love it. I really need to work on the pillow situation in my front room. Your recent posts are inspiring me to get a move-on. I still have sewed none of the pillows I have fabric for! So many projects, so little time...

  4. The best top 5 tips! Thanks for sharing! I love it! It really gives me more ideas!

    love daile

  5. great rules! i always get confused about using euros!

  6. this was very inspirational! thanks! love your blog!

  7. Caitlin, could you tell me what the name of the black fabric is on those pillows with the white rope-like loops, I love it and would love just a yard to make a shade out of but am also wondering if it comes in any other colors, thanks!
