Friday, December 9, 2011

DIY: Sequin Garland

Last weekend, my husband surprised me for my birthday with two of my best girlfriends (that live in Utah & Arizona). It was a serious party- eating, chatting, shopping, and we even fit in a little bit of crafting!  I don't really consider myself a DIY-er but we were in the mood for a festive craft and it was so fun.  They look so cute that I put them all over the house...

By the TV,

On the tree,

and Livi's bookshelf too!

If you find yourself in the crafting spirit this weekend, here's what you'll need:

1. A circle die cut or punch- we used this one from FISKARS
2. Colorful paper- we did a metallic and a sparkly garland
3. A sewing machine and thread- we used white 

Step 1. Cut out a bunch of different colors of paper with your whole punch

Step 2. Organize them by color in the order you'd like your garland to be

Step 3. Have someone line them up for you backsides together to make it go faster.

Step 4. Sew them together!



  1. oh i love it! need to pin this idea on pinterest asap. now i just need an occasion to make one myself!

  2. Very cute. I did something similar for my mantle but did it on all golds. I just taped the back of mine to a string instead sewing.

  3. that is adorable Cait! And I loved all the instagram of your besties. You guys are the cutest.

  4. I'm so in love with dots! I did ribbon dots for my baby shower in May and used the leftover dots for artwork for the nursery! I punched and insane amount of dots out, lol

    The dot garland is cute!

  5. How sweet of your husband to surprise you with your friends! I love the garland!

  6. Beautifully done!! Another amazing creation from CWD!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Your garland looks great! Extra points to the hubby flying your best friends in, looks like you had a great weekend.

  9. absolutely love this. how pretty!

  10. This is such an amazing idea! I love it. Thank you for sharing.
