Friday, January 6, 2012

Almost back to work!

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.  I am sorry that I took so much time off from blogging...I think I overworked myself before Christmas so I needed a long vacay!  And since my husband is in business school, he actually gets quite a bit of time off between semesters so we've been in Washington DC, Oregon, San Francisco, and Utah.  We're wrapping things up and on our way home soon so I'll be back to blogging next week, I promise!  Thanks for the notes from those who noticed:)

In the meantime, I did manage to update my portfolio and press from 2011 so make sure to check it out. 2011 was an incredible year and I'm so grateful for all of my faithful readers' support & encouragement!
2012 is going to be very exciting too with some new projects that I'll have photographed, some new patterns and additional colorways from CWD TEXTILES, a few surprises, and a (oh yeah) new baby boy in April! Cheers to 2012!


  1. I'm glad you and your family are enjoying a little time! :)

  2. We'll be so glad to have you back! Congrats on learning about your baby boy!

  3. Oh yes, I noticed too! Congrats on all your success and a boy on the way, Caitlin!! Looking forward to seeing more from you in 2012.

  4. Congrats on the baby boy! Can't wait to see your nursery ideas!

  5. Hi,
    I love your textiles, beautiful colours and patterns! I'm an part-time upholsterer so I will definitely be looking at your fabrics for future projects. Happy New Year!

  6. Yay!! I am so glad you had a good break. Sure did miss the updates but love that you had some time with your family.

  7. Its good to see you back and having fun. Wishing you a blissful year and a healthy baby boy!
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