Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A New Year's Resolution!

I know it's mid-January and I'm still talking about the New Year but I just got back to Philadelphia and life is finally getting organized so I'm feeling inspired! Among the many self-improvement, spiritual, physical, and career goals that I always make at the beginning of the year, I like to make a creative goal as well. Something new that I want to focus on for the year...for example, a few years ago my creative goal was to learn how to use my DSLR camera better.  This year, my goal is to watercolor! I've always enjoyed sketching and painting ever since I was a little girl but I don't really keep up on it these days unless I'm painting a canvas for my house or drawing a pattern for my fabric line.  I have always loved Caitlin McGauley's interior illustrations seen in Domino and Lonny... she's amazing.

I know watercolor is way harder than it seems, so I'm hoping to take a class if I can find the time.  My goal is to have a little collection of watercolors of some of the spaces I've designed to hang in my office.  So excited! 

What are your 2012 goals? I'd love to hear...


  1. What a neat idea! Can't wait to see some of your work.

  2. i have been thinking about how i want to watercolor as well. i am not artsy at all (and could never do anything remotely close to what you showcase above!) but want to maybe do a simple piece for our place.

    we'll see how that goes!

  3. I have always loved Caitlin's paintings. I would love to master this art but the focus this year is on earning some money and don't get extra hobbies (already do ballet and play the piano). I want to finish decorating my home and I am starting an interior design course.

  4. What a great goal! All of those watercolors you picked are gorgeous; I can't imagine being able to create that.

  5. I love this goal! I took a watercolor class in college and have loved it ever since - and I love the idea of you painting pieces of interiors you've designed. Can't wait to see them sometime in 2012. Happy New Year Cait!

  6. I agree, Caitlin's work is great! .. I also really like Inslee, I am sure you are familiar!

    In November of last year I picked up fresh watercolor paper & ink pens with the intent to start again... well, I have opened the pens, put pen to paper, but the watercolors have yet to come out of the box, just can't seem to set aside enough time...

  7. What a great goal! I'm excited to see the finished products.

  8. What a great goal! I took a beginners watercolor class this past fall and loved it!

  9. That is fantastic! I hope you show your progress on the blog!

  10. This is one of my goals too! But I do agree, it looks SO much harder than it is. I saw Caitlin's paintings as well and thought, pshhhh I can do it! Tried, and failed. I hope you share some of your work asap!

    Rai xo

  11. awesome! Good luck! I hope you'll share your progress with us! I've dabbled in watercolor, just for fun. It's really a forgiving medium, I'm sure you'll do great with it.


  12. Caitlin, Have you seen Megan's watercolors on her blog Beach Bungalow 8 in her Monday series? It's right up there with these! Made me want to start painting too! Have fun with it!

  13. Umm I'm obsessed. I just pinned her website to my art file. So many fun beautiful things I would love to use on my blank walls! Thanks for sharing!

  14. I so wish I could paint, because I love watercolor room illustrations...what a perfect reminder to you of all of the wonderful work you have done!!

  15. I actually got a little watercolor kit for Christmas and have started playing around with it! I wanted a little creative outlet as well (outside of decorating!). It is harder than it seems in many ways, but also easier in other ways. I think you'll have a lot of fun with it!
