Saturday, November 29, 2008

bermuda mansion

I visited this home in Bermuda a few weeks ago for a party...and found myself snapping photos the entire time. I was so amused at the mix of styles- oriental, indian, french, hollywood regency, was crazy. I don't even know if there is a style to classify it with- so I'll go for eclectic. I definitely could not live in it, but there were parts of it that I did like. I could not even guess how much they spent furnishing this home, it was filled to the brim. It was so ornate- I walked past a plant (or so I thought) and heard it jingle, it was a glass tree...probably made of jade and semi-precious stones. Enjoy.

ivory screen. indian guest room.

king triton?? no idea.
i love this mirror and the little creatures on the mantle.
french candle aubra & oriental vases.
notice the slaves handing you your towel after you wash your hands...kind of creepy.
another cool mirror.
i kind of liked this...i'm always a sucker for middle eastern design.
indian canopy.
the glass tree.
love this regency mirror
and of course the venetian mirror, tusks, and french regency clock.
dining room. notice marilyn monroe snuck in on the wall.
beautiful chandelier.
interesting plank ceiling.
love the shape of the pool.


  1. Dang GIna. I wish i were sneaking around with posing in the indian canopy and with the towel handing slaves.

  2. Looks like the freakin Taj. How fun for you.
