Monday, March 29, 2010

lebanon: souks & soaps

souk is arabic for "market"

fresh produce


falafel stands

so delicious

arabic pastries

shoemakers in the street

and here are the yummy soaps we found~

amber, lavender, orange blossom

arabic jasmine, lemon

aren't they beautiful?

we also went to the soap museum

it was fascinating, i loved it

and so did livi

we found some beautiful architecture too!

more from my trip to lebanon tomorrow. happy monday.


  1. beautiful photos, Im sure you had a gorgeous trip and what a beautiful little girl you have!

  2. it looks great!! :) i love the soaps that you found.. and you and your daughter look lovely as always.. :) can you tell me where did you get that gorgeous hair pin for your daughter and how old is she.. ? she is such a sweet little thing and truly an attraction to your blog.. :)

  3. wow such beautiful photos. i love them! can't wait to see more of your adventures.

  4. wow caitlin! love everything.

    I am learning new things. I didn't know if women had to wear a birka (sp?) in Dubai or not. I guess not?

    I know that most of my friends who do renderings for buildings in Dubai do not put a ton of women in them for whatever reason. I am dying to go. It seems like an architect and designer's Disney World.

  5. Lovely! I'm sure the soaps were heavenly! xoxo

  6. Those falafels look heavenly! Love your blog, just added the button to mine :)

  7. could that baby be any cuter?! looks like you're having a wonderful trip...tons of inspiration. The soaps are beautiful.

  8. Love the picture of the lemons. Reminds me of markets in Cairo. Don't you love your ergo? We love ours.


  9. Wow- so gorgeous! Doesnt hurt that you have quite the cute little model! :)

  10. So incredibly jealous, your pictures are gorgeous!!! I would love to go there. I love falafel too!!! I bet your finding some amazing souvenirs too!! what an experience!

  11. Oh my goodness, your little girl is precious!!

  12. I just envy this adventure you are on! And you take beautiful photos!
