Thursday, March 18, 2010

top 5 greys

Although yesterday was a terrible St. Patrick's Day, today felt like Christmas morning! My in-laws arrived in Dubai to visit for 2 weeks, and they were bearing many gifts! The most needed gifts were my Benjamin Moore paint decks. I hadn't planned on needing them when we left the states 6 months ago, but once I got here I quickly realized that they do not have BM anywhere and I've been struggling without it! {fyi- the online color-viewer is not accurate}
On that note, I've received several emails asking for recommendations on paint, and while I can't offer specific selections for everyone that emails me {unless of course you hire me} ~ I can give a few suggestions to the blogosphere. The most requested is a GREY... so here you go. These are my tried and tested, favorite warm-greys.

TOP 5 Benjamin Moore warm-greys

1. greystone

2. ozark shadows

3. classic grey

4. cape may cobblestone

5. edgecomb grey

TRICK OF THE TRADE- lighten any paint by having them mix it at 25% or 50% strength. Sometimes a shade lighter will do the trick!


  1. Love the choices. I never thought I was a big grey person, but I love what you're showing.

    Also, I know where the uncredited picture is from!
    Pearl Street Interiors did it!

  2. this is a great post! not that i'm painting anytime soon, but i will file it away. thanks!

    here's the source for #3, i was just looking at it the other day:
    via little green notebook.

  3. oh just saw the post above...katherine beat me to it. :)

  4. I painted my bedroom a color almost the same color as cape may cobblestone about 6 months ago and I'm absolutely in LOVE!

  5. Do these greys look good in any finish or just eggshell?

  6. Getting ready to redecorate and have been kicking the idea of grey around. Thanks for your tips!

  7. I'd love to paint a room in one of these, unfortunately I can't paint in my apartment, maybe later though

  8. I love the bathroom you did in greystone. So sophisticated. Classic grey is also a favorite of mine.

    Also, maybe you can answer this: is having the paint store mix at 25% or 50% different from going up (to a lighter color) on a paint deck swatch? I have always wondered this.

    Enjoy the visit from your in-laws! ~Sara

  9. Thank you for this! I have been looking at gray paint for my living room, and your selections are defintely useful!

  10. Christmas indeed! Great picks for the greys!

  11. i love the classic grey. i really just love greys!

  12. On hiring you to help with choosing paint colors, what would be a good first question to ask you without stumbling about trying to explain the colors that I have chosen so far? What I can see in my minds eye, doesn't always come out so good when I'm trying to explain it to someone.

  13. Edgecomb gray is one of my favorites! Those other grays are beautiful too.

  14. Wonderful to know! I'm moving and have grand plans of painting my new bathroom grey. Great to have a guide of examples to choose from. Thanks!

  15. Thank you Katherine & Diana...just updated it!
    Suzanne- I always use MATTE finish for bedrooms and EGGSHELL finish in bathrooms. I never use semi-gloss so I couldn't tell you if it would look okay. Try it in a quart first!

  16. mmm that grey stone is just CALLING to me. "jenna...paint every wall ME." oh my gosh.. i am so excited to decorate a house one day with you by my side. ONE DAY MY LOVE!

  17. Your pictures make me realise that grey isn't only great for clothes but also for interior design. Beautiful!

  18. Gorgeous greys! Have a sweet day!

  19. thanks for this post! I want to paint my living and dining room grey, and these were some perfect options! It couldn't have been posted at a more perfect time.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. LOVE grey. Can't get enough. Thanks for sharing your faves...
