Tuesday, May 18, 2010

custom poufs

love the look of a pretty pouf?

hate the high price tag?

i adore these gum drop poufs from amy butler... AND the price tag!

the pattern will run you about $11.98 and the fabric is all yours to choose the perfect colors and patterns for your space {not to mention the fun of sewing it yourself} !

this is on my to-do list!


  1. Kay- so I made these a while ago and they turned out very adorable, but I can't figure out how to keep them upright. They turn all slanty-skewed as soon as anyone sits on them and are really hard to return to the normal upright shape! Do your "real" poufs do that? And if not, then what are your poufs filled with? Because I suspect it's the polyester fiberfill that's causing the problem. Anyway, do consider that before you make them.

  2. I was just on her website eyeing these poufs as well! Although they're adorable I think I'm more of a square girl so I'm contemplating this Apartment Therapy DIY http://tiny.cc/fjs0p

  3. so good to know! thanks for sharing! mine don't move...I would try using a down fill so it's heavier or even better, have an upholsterer make you a fill with a cushion:)

  4. that square one is so cool too! thanks for sharing!

  5. I just bought the pattern! Great find! Thanks!!!

  6. I made one of these a year or so ago and love it. The pattern is so great to follow. But I recommend either stuffing super full, or using some sort of foam insert and then stuffing around so it has more structure and holds a person up. :)

  7. Love the thought but alas, I do not sew!! Great resource though I will remember it,Thanks for the heads-up! Happy Tuesday,Kathysue

  8. Love these - I've been majorly lusting over moroccan poufs lately! Thanks for the advice!

  9. Thank you for the tip! I just finished taking a sewing class, and I'd like to tackle this project!!

  10. love love love floor poufs...
    and custom is even better!

    the little girls in my sewing class made these a few months back- SUPER easy pattern to follow, even for a beginner... use the ALL the recommended stuffing for the best results.

    see the cuties here: http://tinyurl.com/24ogarl

  11. if only i could ;) but great idea

  12. would love to make one of these for my little girl's room. would be so stinkin cute. thanks for the info.

  13. Thanks for sharing! I wish I was better at sewing.
