Monday, June 7, 2010

feeling nautical...

well, it's monday...and I can't help but daydream of ALL THINGS NAUTICAL. not just because i love navy & white, horizontal stripes, and rope accents... but mostly because we're leaving this week for a Mediterranean cruise for 1 month! i can't wait to slip on my stripes and jump aboard!

all other images via coastal living


  1. love it. I really want to get a project in the Cape to give my coastal design skills a go:)

  2. Simply gorgeous.. Please can you share some ideas for dekor under the stair case.. please!!

  3. holy - mediterranean cruise for 1 month!? how awesome, have fun!

  4. Beautiful inspiration images and how nice to have a 1 month vacation...sounds divine. Enjoy!

  5. I love white and navy together-so crisp and clean. So exciting Caitlin! Have fun!

  6. Hi Caitlin, Great minds think alike I did a nautical post this last Friday and we even used some of the same images, very cool. I love it when like minded people find eachother in blog land, it always amazes me. take a peek at my post I think you might like the outfit at the end of the post!!
    Happy Monday! KATHYSUE

  7. oh Caitlin, you will have such an amazing time!! I guess that's one of the great thing about working in the UAE, the amazing holiday allowance, so goof for you guys, well done!!

  8. ooh will you go to barcelona or Greece? let me know if you would like some must visits :) xoxo

  9. wowsers cait. i knew you would be having little livi's 1st birthday aboard but missed the fact that you'd be on the ship for one whole month. wish I could be there with you.

  10. Great images. That's the second image of a boat hanging from a ceiling that I've seen this month. Looks cool but it would freak me out to sleep under it!

  11. I think everyone is feeling a little nautical at this time of the year - love these!

  12. ahhh you are so lucky! My husband and I would like to go on a Med. cruise! I hope you have an amazing time!

    And thanks for sharing these beautiful, nautical rooms :)

  13. Beautiful examples of rooms with a nautical feel that don't step over the line and become to "theme-y".

  14. WHOA...that spiral staircase room...gorgeous!
