Thursday, July 15, 2010

ikea love

i love how i can always count on IKEA for some last minute party items. i thought the pink & white would be cute for root beer floats at olivia's belated birthday party this weekend.



  1. Ikea is amazing and it is so much fun shopping there,I feel like I could spend days there. Love the idea of Rootbeer floats in a pink glass, so pretty, Happy Bday little Olivia!! Kathysue

  2. Fun idea! My 26 month old would LOVE drinking a rootbeer float out of a "big girl" glass. You'll have to find some paper straws with stripes.

  3. awwwww that is a wonderful idea.. i too created a theme of white and pink for my baby girls day.. would ove to see your work on this color scheme and the party..

  4. sooo cute! You can always find something at Ikea you didnt know you needed! :) Just new to your blog, loving it x

  5. Yum!

    I've had a few of those for a few years now... They still look great & I drink iced lattes out of them way more often than I should probably admit.

  6. I just saw these the other day and fell in love with the pink
