Thursday, December 23, 2010

Decorating with Books!

I love decorating with books, but we all know it can be tricky to blend the reading books & the pretty books. Sometimes I feel guilty putting a book on display just because it's the right color when it doesn't have personal meaning to my client and especially if it's not even a good book! 

So I was ecstatic when I found these Penguin Hardcover classics on a layover in Portland the other day. 

They've got many of the great classics from Great Expectations to Sense & Sensibility to Wuthering Heights. 

And they are beautifully bound with patterned linen hardovers, colored endpapers, and ribbon markers. 

Now I won't have to feel guilty when I decorate according to the color of the book!

Thank you to PENGUIN for making my job easier & all of our bookshelves so much prettier! 


  1. I love those books! I just purchased the children collection. Love them!

  2. just to let you know, they're on sale at anthro right now. $14.99 each! i love them!

  3. You can also buy them on for discounted prices too!

  4. These books are gorgeous - I need to check these out! Thanks for sharing!

    Happy Holidays to you & yours and wishing you a fabulous 2011!

  5. Love the idea of bookshelves. I'd like them in almost every room :-)

  6. Love those books with the pretty binding Looks so Amazing for decoration

    Thanks for Sharing ideas as always

    Love the old books as well

  7. I saw those in Portland the other day and desperately wanted all of them! They are gorgeous and such good reads!

  8. Aren't those just the most adorable books ever??? (c: LOVE IT!

  9. absolutely love them, I cant stop buying them and eas very happy to see some of my missing ones on sale at Anthro the other day :)
    Hope you are having a great holiday time Caitlin xoxo

  10. I adore these books! It makes reading a treasured experience.
