Friday, December 10, 2010


We've just found out that we will be moving to HONG KONG on February 5th for at least 6 months.  It will be hard to leave the wonderful life & people here in Dubai... but we've always known that we would be leaving for an international rotation so I tried not to get too comfortable here.  I am really excited to explore Asia and the bustling, city life in Hong Kong...and you've seen how much I love Asian-inspired decor. I'm probably going to go crazy there and start manufacturing furniture, fabrics, and accessories or at least I hope to! I've heard that HK is I think you lovely readers will enjoy the adventures ahead!


  1. HK is gorgeous! The nightlife is great and the city is packed with so much to do!! You're going to love it!

  2. oh my goodnes cait, congrats! what another fun adventure!!

  3. Wow - what a change! Best wishes with moving and all of the craziness. Can't wait to follow along for the ride!

  4. i'm soooo jealous!! i've always wanted to visit there. good luck with the big move.

  5. I was in HK 11 years ago - it's amazing. I have a friend there (Staci Hosford) -- watch for her (it's a small Mormon world...)!

  6. Caitlin, that is soo exciting!! I can't wait to hear of all your adventures there. Maybe we could even come visit, we have always wanted to travel there!

  7. Fun! My brother Will and his wife Whitney live there with their 3 kids and love it!

  8. Wow, so exciting! I have been there once, it´s a very special and fun place, I´m sure you gonna love it!

  9. Been there, LOVED HK and would move in a minute!! You will have so much fun there, I am sure. Hollywood road with all the galleries is fantastic, the shopping is not to be believed, and the beautiful areas around the city....I'm sure you will enjoy this next stop on your journey! Good Luck!

    Northern Light

  10. Congratulations! Sounds like a wonderful adventure ahead !

  11. congrats - what a wonderful adventure - best le

  12. Congrats, that will be such a fabulous adventure! We will be tuning in to hear about all the great new decorating adventures! (c:

  13. exciting!! best of luck, Im sure it will be amazing!

  14. Hong Kong is amazing, and the shopping.... You should be a very happy girl!

  15. how exciting! i look forward to reading about your adventures there. my mom is from there and we are going back to visit in february. let's meet up and explore! :)

  16. How wonderful! I can't wait to see what inspires you in Hong Kong!

  17. LOVE Hong Kong! I spent a summer there and it's amazing! If I had to move from sunny so cal to somewhere international, it would be there!

  18. wow! you have the best attitude ever! i hope its everything and more for you!

  19. You are gonna love it, I lived in Asia for 2 years and when I went to HK I was dying for all the great furniture and decor items, you're definetly going to have fun.

  20. What an exciting next step. Good luck with the move and enjoy!

  21. I traveled to Hong Kong for work, back in my fashion days...It is quite an incredible place! I'm sure you'll settle in nicely! I feel like we hit the jackpot too - bc we'll get to experience HK through you! Best of luck to your family!

  22. Wauw great news !! Enjoy !!
    I'm looking forwards to hearing all about it !!

  23. Having lived in Asia and traveled there it holds a special place in my heart. HK is a great jumping off point for exploring the region. You will indeed enjoy it!

    Also, I have to put in a plug to look into Viet Nam for a vacation. :o)

    {susan at}

  24. Ah man! That's great news. We were hoping you'd land in London again, but you'll have great adventures in HK. I have some friends who live there with kids similar ages- I can put you in touch with them if you'd like.


  25. Oh My Goodness! That's a dream of mine. Please do try to get into manufacturing while you're there. It's the perfect opportunity!

  26. congrats! So very exciting for you and the family. Can't wait to read all about it!

  27. Lucky! I visited Hong Kong several years ago and loved it there. Its such a busy bustling city but mega clean.

  28. Yay, what a fun place to head to! We're in Dubai too and might be moving out as well ;-)

  29. How cool is that? My husband travels to China for work and tells me I'd love Hong Kong.
