Tuesday, January 4, 2011

top 10 of 2010

last january, when i set my new years resolutions for 2010, among them was to reinvent my design blog and launch my professional website. i actually wasn't sure {as un-ambitious as that sounds} that i would actually get around to doing either of them since i was a new mom but somehow i was able to do both and it feels like a huge accomplishment.  

I have been loving all of the 2010 reflections in the blogosphere so without further adieu i'm going to do a little recap of the 2010 Style Files highlights! 

  • Olivia's Room part 1 & 2 

  • Went to Spain and Portugal on an extended cruise

I have SO enjoyed becoming a "blogger" this year and getting to know so many of you, or at least feeling like i know you. I feel very blessed to have been able to accomplish some of my career goals this year and am grateful to all of you for your support & encouragement!


  1. yeah! Way to go! Happy new Year and hope you have as good of fortune this year. xoxo

  2. your house is beautiful! thank you for posting pictures:)

  3. Congratulations Caitlin, you have had an amazing year. I so enjoy your blog and look forward to following again this year. Sally-Ann

  4. Wow...need to take some tips from you! You have excelled yourself my lovely! xx

  5. wow! all that in 2010? amazing!


  6. Congrats!! Happy New Year, and good luck with the move!

  7. Thanks for sharing your home, it is BEAUTIFUL!

  8. you have been a busy girl! Here's to more great things in 2011!


  9. what a wonderful year ! can't wait to see what next year brings!

  10. Thanks for the round-up, I haven't been following your blog the whole year, so it was fun to see what you'd been up to!

    BTW, I'd love to see more posts about where you shop, your style, etc. In all your spare time :)

  11. that's quite the list! congratulations on a very successful year.

  12. gorgeous, all of it! thanks for inspirin me to do somethng big with my year too!


  13. Caitlin,
    You are amazing and I am deeply impressed. Plus, you have such a darling daughter!

  14. Congrats! So well deserved. Wishing you all the best for 2011!

  15. Caitlin I would say you have had a great year!! Your sweet little Olivia is probably the best of it all,no doubt, she is a gorgeous little girl. I love your design aesthetic and I am so happy for you that it is being recognized. Keep up your good work and more will come your way. I am sure of it!!
    I have celebrated my one year blogaversary and I too feel so blessed to have found this medium to communicate with like minded people.
    I am having my ver first giveaway also, $75 gift card from the container store, good time of year to organize!!!!
    Looking forward to another year of your inspirational post,

  16. I want your pillows in your Living Room! Where can I find them..or something similar?? BTW..love your blog!

  17. Congrats on the accomplishments! It always feels awesome to check something off the list! Happy New Year!

  18. Love your blog. I'll be a regular follower now!

  19. Congrats on the amazing year!!! So much accomplished.

    Jen @ Opal Never Shouts

  20. Congrats! I don't know you personally, but I love peeking in on your shiny little life! :) Love your fresh, crisp style. Happy New Year!

  21. Hello!
    My name is Ashley, I'm the girl behind the blog A Hasty Life. I just started the well-known 30 for 30 fashion challenge. I chose 30 articles of clothing to wear for 30 days (including shoes!) I would love for you to bop on over to my blog and check it out!

    <3 Ashley

  22. Loved you house in Adore and love your blog. Letitia

  23. It has been so much fun following your blog! Thank you and job well done! :)
